Monday, November 7, 2011

Should Smartphone Germs Scare You?

Your smartphone may be responsible for germs and viruses that cause respiratory or diarrhea illnesses, says a study out of the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health in Baltimore, reported in the Winnipeg Free Press today.
 Should you be seeing little germs crawling all over your phone?

Smartphones are considered particularly suspect because people touch the screens with their hands.  That's according to Timothy Julian, a post-doctorate environmental health sciences student at the school.  

The next question would then be, whether people are washing their hands enough during the day, whether they are touching toilet seats (a real harbour of germs) public railings, door knobs and kitchen counters.  Do they cough into their hands?

I just wiped my cellphone with an anti-bacterial wipe, and then figured I better wipe the inside and outside of the carrying case as well.  That led to wiping all the phones in the house, and the computer keyboards.  The germ hunt is on!

On the encouraging side, other studies have shown a high percentage of smartphones have a low bacteria count.

The reality, according to John Envil, director of the infection prevention and control unit at the Winnipeg Health Sciences Centre, is we can become paralyzed by the fear of germs on cellphones, but the reality is they are there, they're part of life everywhere - and you can't avoid them.

Whatever the concensus of the various studies, this is a reminder to clean the surfaces of devices you use throughout the day.  Also, build your immune system with healthy eating, exercise and optimal nutritional supplementation.   I choose the USANA supplements, produced by the authors of The Healthy Home book.

Deanna Waters
1-888-320-8250  Don't let one more day go by without the protection of the USANA health program!
USANA Global Leader

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