You'll become more convinced to watch your food choices, portions and exercise regime.
The more weight you carry around the house, the harder your heart has to work, the more stress there will be on your joints and your breathing is challenged too. Why did my trainer do this to me? To burn more calories and to remind me not to eat too much, or to exercise too little!
I found the squats, the forward/sideways lunges, the treadmill, the box steps and bike, all required greater balance, increased breathing and more intensity from me.
It was a joy to take off the weights and try the exercises without them!
A great way to exercise at home, is to walk or run up and down the stairs without holding on to the railing. You can do lunges down the hallway holding on to cans of soup. Be imaginative. You'll feel better and keep your weight down.
Moral of the story? Keep your weight in the normal range and keep up the good work with your exercise routine, supplementation and healthy food choices.
Deanna Waters
Promoting Healthy Lives, Healthy Homes & Abundant Finances
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