Thursday, August 30, 2012

Dr. Mehmet Oz Promotes "Healthiness"

 Dr. Mehmet Oz, famous television host of the Dr. Oz show and heart surgeon, encouraged the 10,000 USANA Associates at their International Convention in August, to bring joy to people's lives in different ways.

His television show is aired in 118 countries, bringing light to lives around the world as he encourages the viewers to take care of their health and to pass on "Healthiness".

He shows people what an unhealthy lung looks like...bad bones...atherosclerosis...kidney disease...inflammation in the vessels....all to help them wake up to their responsibility to take control of their own health.

He went through the five life adjustments:

"You control 70 percent of how well you live and for how long," he cautioned.  "I care about you.  A healthy diet is easy to love.  Stress control is so easy to do."

No cigarettes or toxins in the body or the home.  Exercise 30 minutes a day.

"The battle is in our homes," Dr. Oz declared.  "Obesity takes up 24 percent of the health budget.  This is not a government issue.  Biology always trumps over willpower.  You are in charge of your diet. 100 extra calories a day leads to obesity."

He showed how cholesterol is because of belly fat pressure on the kidneys, which raises blood pressure.  

He said so much more in his most dynamic talk.  I'll cover that in the next post.  Meanwhile, say no to junk food and yes to Dr. Oz' suggestion to always have nuts on hand for when you feel hungry.

Deanna Waters
Stay healthy in body and in your home.
How can we help you?
USANA Health Sciences


Saturday, March 10, 2012

Keep Fit Like Dr. Oz

Dr. Mehmet Oz, host of America's most popular talk show, and a renowned heart surgeon, walks the talk to stay fit with daily exercise.

At the recent Health and Happiness Summit at Radio City Music Hall in New York City, which he hosted, the audience was invited to join in dance fitness, and Dr. Oz participated easily.

Dr. Myron Wentz, PhD, and Dave Wentz, authors of The Healthy Home, spoke at the Summit concerning hidden dangers in the home.  They too, promote exercise as part of healthy everyday choices.  Dave plays soccer, sky dives, cycles and skis, to name a few of his sports interests.

What do you enjoy doing for fitness?

Dave and Deanna Waters
Committed to Healthy Homes and Bodies

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Healthy Home Featured on Dr. Oz Health and Happiness Summit

Dr. Myron Wentz and Dave Wentz, authors of The Heathy Home, were part of an impressive line of speakers at the Health and Happiness Summit at Radio City Music Hall in New York, February 28, 2012.

Dr. Mehmet Oz, cardiovascular surgeon and host of his own popular television talk show, hosted the event, which covered many aspects of living a healthy, happy life.

Dr. Wentz and Dave Wentz centered on some of the most common causes of pollution in the home and what can be done to address those and to make alternative choices.

This was certainly a highlight of our trip to New York!

Dave and Deanna Waters